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Scar paste

Scar paste

Regular price €14,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €14,90 EUR
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We protect wounds from pruning and grafting but not only 🌿

Protection suitable for protection, healing and disinfection of cutting wounds (grafting and pruning), resulting from atmospheric agents (hail/frost) and from animals. Every incision, whether accidental or intentional, exposes the internal tissues of the plant to potential fungal infections, which can cause decomposition of the wood and, over time, spread to healthy organs.

To avoid these problems, it is essential to eliminate any irregularities from the wound area and apply a healing paste with a brush.

Fields, doses and methods of use:The product must be mixed thoroughly before use. When pruning, apply generously as soon as the cut is made, making sure to cover the entire wound.

Composition:Paste based on hydroalcoholic propolis, natural aggregates and natural organic compounds. The mixture contains a gripping, healing, stimulating and protective function


Prima di aprire, agitare bene il barattolo e poi mescolare con una frusta o un bastone. Applicare generosamente la pasta sulla parte ferita della pianta, assicurandosi di coprire completamente l'area interessata. Se rimane del residuo sul fondo del barattolo, aggiungere dell'alcol etilico per miscelare la pasta rimanente. Non lasciare il prodotto a temperature elevate e richiudere bene il barattolo dopo l'uso per evitare l'evaporazione della componente alcolica.
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100% Natural Product
Suitable for all plants
Super Effective

A Naturally Special Pasta

Our Scar Paste quickly heals plant wounds, forming a shield that promotes healing and stops infections. Effective and natural, the ally you need to make your plants thrive for a long time.

Instructions for use

The product must be mixed thoroughly before use.

During pruning, apply generously as soon as the cut is made, making sure to cover the entire wound (from the pith to the cortical margin) as well as a few centimeters of bark beyond the margin, to increase the stimulating effect.

Help For Your Orchards

Cicatricosa Paste is essential for orchards because it accelerates the healing of wounds, protecting trees from infections and diseases, thus ensuring abundant and healthy harvests.

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